
来见见2019年度校友吧, honored for their service and achievements that embody the spirit of their alma mater.

加里·N. 柯蒂斯的59

加里·N. Curtis is an engineer whose work has included structural design for the Space Needle and the award-winning Queen’s Way Bridge in Long Beach, 加州. He has done structural engineering for schools and churches, forensic studies of the collapse of tall towers, 以及对测地线圆顶的分析, including the dome at the South Pole and the dome over the Spruce Goose. In a joint venture with a group of his engineering colleagues, Curtis started a company called Gossamer Space Frames. That group has designed a pedestrian bridge over a freeway in Long Beach and has developed two aluminum tubular joint sys­tems that are in use for approximately 50,000 large frames for power plants in Nevada, 佛罗里达, 和西班牙. Curtis designed and built a fold-up steel sail­boat that he lived on for several years and sailed in 墨西哥 and Washington state. He has traveled around the world and enjoys sailing, 骑自行车, 徒步旅行, 和他的孩子们一起钓鱼, Margo和Gart, 1988年, 以及他们的家人.

Dick and Anita (Dietrich) Molstead '59

Dick and Anita (Dietrich) Molstead have devoted their careers to Seventh-day Adventist education. Dick spent 15 years as an aerospace engineer while Anita taught at Seattle Junior Academy, 米拉蒙特基督教学校, 和沙点青年学院. After Dick completed a teacher certification program, he accepted a position as teacher and principal at Sandpoint Junior Academy. He became principal at Portland Adventist Academy in 1986 while Anita taught junior high at Meadow Glade School. Anita and Dick both worked as associate superintendents of education for the Oregon Conference, Anita starting in 1989 and Dick in 1992. In 1998, Dick became superintendent of education for the same conference. Since retirement, the Molsteads have served in various educational positions across the country. They have recently focused on growing funding for a foundation they established following the death of their son, Eric丙氨酸.在2005年的一次飞机失事中丧生. The Eric Molstead Memorial 奖学金 assist women interested in mathematics and science who are attending Upper Columbia Academy. molstead的女儿, 米歇尔90年, works for a nonprofit bike-share program in Minneapolis and provides marketing assistance for the foundation. In 2017 the Molsteads returned to Idaho where they volunteer at Lake City Academy and North Idaho College.


Cassie Ragenovich is the director of 学生财务服务 at 沃拉沃拉大学. In the 44 years she has worked in that office she has helped countless students determine how they would fund a Christian college education at WWU. Ragenovich is quick to give all the credit to God for His faithful provision and for miraculously and consistently leading her to the right people with the means to help. 学生 and their parents consistently describe Ragenovich as perceptive, kind, 坚持, 病人, 快乐的, 和慷慨. Her trust in God’s unfailing goodness and faithfulness is an inspiration to many. “The God of the universe takes a personal interest in what happens on this campus,” says Ragenovich. “He gives me a front row seat to the show of His limitless power in action. In 44 years of working in 学生财务服务 and in a lifetime of testing and trusting His providence, 他从未失败过.” Ragenovich leads a team of nine dedicated employees at WWU. 在她离开办公室的时候, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Mike, 在她的花园里干活, 和朋友一起享受时光.

Trevor O' reggio '79

Trevor O’Reggio is a professor of church history at Andrews University where he has engaged in the preparation of pastors for ministry for 20 years. 在非盟任职期间, O’Reggio has been involved with the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation of more than 40 students. He has been director of the AU master’s programs in religion, 田园部, and continuing education for ministers and has taught diverse subjects including the history of religion in America, race relations in the Adventist church, 婚姻及家庭关系, and the theology of the Reformation. Through his work with the AU extension school and other international teaching opportunities, 他在加拿大教过学生, 印度, 牙买加, 肯尼亚, 墨西哥, 尼日利亚, 罗马尼亚, 特立尼达拉岛, and in at least 10 of the United States. His scholarly work includes research and writing on Martin Luther, 卡特琳娜·冯·博拉, 胡斯, 和查尔斯·金尼, 以及移民问题, 复临信徒在中国的传教, and the connection between slavery and prophecy. O’Reggio is an avid runner and triathlete. He and his wife, Anna Maria Simpson, have three children.